Experience Downtown Chapel Hill

XDCH Experience Downtown Chapel Hill

Downtown Chapel Hill is the center of social life for both the University of North Carolina and the town itself.

XDCH — the invitation to E(X)perience Downtown Chapel Hill — celebrates the local businesses, community members, art & music, and heart of our district.

Visit Downtown Chapel Hill


Our businesses, offices, and homes are here to welcome you downtown! Local favorites including shopping, expanded outdoor dining, and services are here to enjoy as we celebrate summer together again.

About the Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership

Downtown’s culture is driven by Franklin Street’s history as our main street and deepened by the inclusion of Rosemary Street to the north. Our business district is flanked by Henderson Street on the east end and Merritt Mill Road serves as the west end boundary.

This website is powered by the Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership, which is recognized by the IRS as a not for profit 501c3 charitable organization. Your support of these businesses and this area is paramount to the success of the community and these businesses, any donation to XDCH is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.

The Chapel Hill Downtown Partnership’s mission is to be a champion and advocate for downtown Chapel Hill through programming, marketing, business support, and community building.